Karin Prinsloo – Karate Blog

6th Dan Japanese Karate Association – A Instructor B Examiner B Judge – Australia Karate Federation Accredited Coach – AKF State Level Referee

Karin Prinsloo – Dynamic Karate Training – Ladder Drills

Karin Prinsloo – Dynamic Karate Training – Ladder Drills

Karin Prinsloo – Dynamic Karate Training – Ladder Drills.

Ladder drills don’t only add an exciting component to a karate class, but help develop vitally important skills for any karate-ka namely agility, foot speed and balance.

Agility is the ability to change the position of the body quickly and with control. This helps karate-ka evade an attack and counter, change angles of attack or defend and counter against multiple assailants.
Balance is the ability to retain the centre of mass above the base of support when stationary (static balance) or moving (dynamic balance).
Any karate-ka will know the importance of agility and balance. How to improve this: 1) Practice kihon, kata and kumite. 2) Try over emphasize agility and balance requirements with high repetition e.g. ladder drills.
Tip: When performing patterns on the ladder, try and simulate karate technique e.g. Arms in the correct fighting position, legs in a fighting stance kamae where possible.
Over and above benefits: Cognitive: Improved concentration, vigilance and memory. Muscular: quicker muscle contraction, joint stability, improved cardio. And lastly, it is FUN. ‪#‎karinprinsloo‬ ‪#‎karate‬ ‪#‎SAJKA‬ ‪#‎ladderdrill‬‪#‎agility‬

Karin Prinsloo – Dynamic Karate Training – Jumping Drills

Karin Prinsloo – Dynamic Karate Training – Jumping Drills

Karin Prinsloo – Dynamic Karate Training – Jumping Drills

In this video I give various different power jumping drills that is effective for karate and can easily be done in the dojo.

Plyometrics involve power jumping, repetitive bounding and quick force production. When your muscles eccentrically contract, or shorten, then immediately stretch and lengthen, they produce maximal power ideal for karate situations. It is a fast movement that happens over a short period. Plyometrics are ideal for karate-ka or people looking to improve muscular power, speed and strength. They also help facilitate weight loss and help tone and define your muscles.

Plyometrics were originally designed for power athletes. According to Brian Mac, professional sports coach, your muscles achieve maximum power during eccentric contractions, or muscle lengthening. When you immediately follow an eccentric contraction with a concentric — or muscle-shortening — contraction, your muscle produces a greater force. This is called the stretch-shortening cycle. Plyometric training decreases the time between your eccentric and concentric contractions and improves your muscular speed and power. ‪#‎karinprinsloo‬ ‪#‎karate‬ ‪#‎SAJKA‬ ‪#‎karatetraining‬

Karin Prinsloo – Dynamic Karate Training – Arm Drills

Karin Prinsloo – Dynamic Karate Training – Arm Drills

Karin Prinsloo – Dynamic Karate Training – Arm Drills

Plyometrics, also known as “jump training” or “plyos”, are exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power (speed-strength).
Karate requires explosive speed and power, and need simulated, application of plyometric training exercises to match. Here are some plyometric exercises which you can use by yourself, or in the dojo. Remember to try simulate the trajectory of karate technique. This is highly effective and simple to do.